biomedicina slovenica


  1. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Erzar Ajda; Uštar Barbara; Maksuti Alem
    Medical students’ perception of distance-based education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia
  2. Car Josip; Lang Britta; Colledge Anthea; Ung Chuin; Majeed Azeem
    Interventions for enhancing consumers' online health literacy
  3. Tomažič Iztok
    Ocena računalniške pismenosti pri študentih študija biologije in kemije ter biologije in gospodinjstva
    [Assessing biology - chemistry and biology - home economics student's computer literacy]
  4. Oberč Boža; Turk Nana
    Izobraževanje uporabnikov CMK: rezultati ankete
    [Education of users in the Central medical library: results of the questionnaires]
  5. Stopar Karmen; Rabzelj Zlatka
    Informacijska pismenost med teorijo in prakso - vloga visokošolskih in specialnih knjižnic. Zbornik prispevkov 2. skupno posvetovanje specialnih in visokošolskih knjižnic; 2006 okt 19; Ljubljana
    [Information literacy between theory and practice - the role of academic and special libraries. Proceedings of the 2nd joint conference of special and academic libraries (11th Slovenian conference of special libraries and 4th Slovenian conference of academic libraries with international attendance); 2006 Oct 19th; Ljubljana]
  6. Koprivnikar Boris; Hafnar Mirjana; Koprivnikar Katjuša
    Programi specialnih znanj in spretnosti za slepe in slabovidne: vseživljenjsko učenje, prilagojeno slepim in slabovidnim
  7. Južnič Primož
    Informacijska pismenost in uporabniki specialnih knjižnic
    [Information literacy and special library users]
  8. Južnič Primož
    Informacijska pismenost kot pogoj informacijske družbe
    [Information literacy as the condition for the information society]

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